Frequently Asked Questions

Here you’ll find answers to the questions we get asked most about enrolling at our school. If you want to find out more, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
What are the school tuition fees?

Catholic schools are typically seen as great value for money, providing high-quality education supported by quality facilities and learning environments. It is the policy of the Catholic Schools Office that financial hardship should not prevent any child from attending a Catholic school and no child will be denied a Catholic education because of a family’s genuine inability to pay the required school fees. Any family experiencing financial difficulties is entitled to fee assistance, your local school Principal will be able to discuss this with you.

Together with parents, clergy and school staff, Trinity is committed to offering the children in the Maitland region access to schools in which their faith can be nurtured in outstanding learning environments. We seek to assist young people to realise their full potential, taking into account their unique spiritual, intellectual, physical and social needs.

The greater part of diocesan schools’ funding comes from State and Commonwealth government grants, but the commitment and continuing financial contribution of parents and parish communities is still essential to fill the gap between the funds provided by government and the actual cost of running our schools. School fees are comprised of three components – Diocesan tuition fees, individual school resource and service fees and Diocesan Family School Building Levy (DFSBL).

Diocesan Tuition Fees 2024

All school fee information can be found here on the CSO website.

School Resource and Service Fees 

Resource costs are set by the Principal in consultation with staff, parents, Parish Priests and the CSO. This single consolidated fee is used to pay for school resources such as texts, school supplies, exercise books, subject levies, technology and amenities. Depending on subject selection, students will also be charged a curriculum resource cost for the electives they choose from Year 9. Excursions and Incursions are also an additional expense and must be paid prior to the date of the activity.

Other Fees 

Diocesan Pastoral Contribution 

From 2020, a voluntary contribution of $300 per family ($100 per term) is being sought as a diocesan pastoral contribution.

Funds support the ongoing pastoral works of the diocese which include, amongst many initiatives, the diocesan pastoral ministries office and the activities of its many advisory councils, the provision of chaplains ministering in the following areas – Newcastle University, Newcastle Port, prisons, hospitals and CatholicCare Social Services, the Family Community Faith Coordinators who work to reach out to and connect families with their local parish and school and Pastoral Coordinators who work in those parishes without a resident Parish priest.

We value the opportunity to work in partnership with you and thank you for your continuing support of Catholic education in our diocese.

Enrolment Fee 

All Diocesan schools charge an Enrolment Fee. Trinity charges an Enrolment Fee (non-refundable) which is payable upon enrolment and secures the student’s place at the school.

Note that the Enrolment Fee is a separate, discrete fee not associated with tuition fees, or any other fee.  It is not, for instance, a down-payment or advanced-payment on tuition fees.

Special Fee Reductions 

To assist families with limited financial resources, Trinity offers a lower tuition fee to means-tested low income families such as Health Care and Pension Card holders. This rate is 50% of the diocesan tuition fee full rate for each child. This discount applies only to the diocesan tuition fee, not to the DFSBL or other resource and service fees charged by each individual school.

Further Concessions  

A genuine inability to meet school account charges does not exclude access to any school within the diocese for a child of a family genuinely committed to Catholic faith and practice. Parents concerned about school fees should ensure they make contact with the school. Diocesan provisions exist to help in this area and the Principal can also exercise discretion where genuine need exists.

How can I make a fee payment?

Fee payments can be made via cash, cheque, BPAY, money order, credit card (over the phone), and EFTPOS. Direct debit from your bank, credit union or building society account is also available. Please contact the Finance Officer for this method of payment.

A range of alternative payment plans are available. These include dividing the fees over 10 equal payments from February to November. Please contact the Finance Officer for further details.

Please be aware that if your direct debit is dishonoured more than three times the school will cancel the deduction.  For any dishonoured direct debit, the school is charged a fee of $2.50 by your financial institution. This fee will be passed on to the fee payer and will appear on the next statement. No receipts are issued – please check your bank account for proof of payment.

Please contact Reception on (02) 4957 1032 if you have any questions.

Where can I purchase the school uniform?

Trinity takes pride in their students wearing the school uniform in a proud and tidy manner which represents the school to the highest standard. Wearing the correct uniform well is extremely important. Minimum expected standards of grooming and uniform are set for students’ safety, the enhancement of their appearance and the avoidance of excessive display.  The full description of correct uniform is available in the Uniform section of the Student Handbook available on this website.

As a parent, you can assist in this by ensuing that your child has all the required uniform pieces and by ensuring that your child wears the correct uniform (formal or sport) each day. The school will address issues of students wearing either the formal or sports uniform incorrectly, but it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the student wears the correct type of uniform each day.  All students must have at least one complete formal uniform and one complete sports uniform available to wear.

The Trinity uniform is supplied by Alinta. For your convenience, Alinta has a store located on Level 5 next door to room 510, one of our food technology kitchens, and is open through the term during the following hours:

Tuesday: 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Wednesday: 2.30pm – 4.30pm
Friday: 10.00am – 12.00pm

Payments can be made by cash and credit card only. Layby is available with a 20% deposit and full payment on collection. Accounts are not available and clothing cannot be taken unless paid for in full.

The Uniform Shop can be contacted by mobile phone: 0401 357 519.

The Uniform Shop can be contacted outside business hours by:

E |
W |

Online Uniform Shop –

What options are available for travelling to the school?

Bus Routes

Newcastle Buses provide school buses to and from Trinity Catholic College, Adamstown along with government buses that students can access for travel. Hunter Valley Bus Company also offer a service from Maryland to Trinity Catholic College.

Students who wait for their bus at the shelter must remain on the school premises prior to the arrival of their bus.

For information regarding bus routes, see below.

Newcastle Buses

Hunter Valley Buses


Trinity is within walking distance to Adamstown Station. For information regarding train transport see Sydney Trains.

Own Transport

Students may be dropped at school and collected by car either at the front of the school in or near Fletcher St or at the rear of the school which can be accessed from Park Avenue. Note that the front staff/visitor car park off Fletcher St is not to be used as a drop off or pick up zone. Students are not to walk through that car park at any time. Students who choose to walk or ride a bicycle to and from school may access either the front or rear pedestrian gates. Bicycles are not to be ridden inside school grounds.

Opal Card

The school Opal card gives eligible students free or discounted travel between home and school using the train, bus, ferry or light rail. The opal card will be sent to the address listed on the application which can be accessed here