Gifted Education

At Trinity Catholic College, our approach to High Potential & Gifted Education (HPGE) is founded in research and actively incorporates proven aspects of well-established curriculum models. We believe in educating the whole child, promoting social and emotional wellbeing as well as academic advancement in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Supporting Gifted Learners

Trinity Catholic College has been a Gifted Education Lead (GEL) school within the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese since 2017. Selected to be part of the pilot group involved in the implementation of a diocese-wide approach to HPGE, Trinity Catholic College has since established a multi-faceted approach to catering for high potential and gifted (HPG) students.

At Trinity Catholic College, our approach to HPGE primarily focuses on a progressive, integrated, differentiated curriculum that allows HPG students to access academically rigorous programs, as well as enrichment opportunities that foster talent development.

HPG students are catered for within the school in a range of learning contexts. These include:

  • graded and accelerated classes that ensure fully differentiated programming in a stimulating learning environment,
  • mixed-ability classes that promote rigorous instruction whilst allowing HPG students to access the same curriculum as their peers, and
  • a range of extra-curricular and enrichment programs and opportunities that promote talent development in both academic and non-academic domains.

The school also has a Gifted Education Mentor (GEM), who assists teachers with collating and analysing data, identifying the strengths and needs of HPG students and providing appropriate strategies to meet their needs. The GEM regularly provides professional development for staff to ensure a consistent and deliberate approach to gifted education is maintained across the school.

In addition to this school-based approach, gifted students at Trinity Catholic College can also participate in the Virtual Academy. This online learning program caters for selected students and is delivered through the Catholic Schools Office.