Our Mission

Trinity Catholic College, Adamstown is part of the system of schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle and draws upon the traditions and identity of its founding orders, but also of the dedicated and committed families whose desire it was to have a Catholic education for their children. As a community we strive to put Jesus at the centre of all we do, living and working in accordance with the Gospel values. We encourage our students and staff to have a relationship with Christ, that is inspired and nurtured through ongoing formation, ritual, learning and knowledge of tradition and culture.

Our school strives to be distinctively and authentically Catholic, while engaging with our contemporary culture in a spirit of dialogue. Trinity has a proud history and an excellent reputation both in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle and farther afield.

Our Vision 

We strive to be an intentional Catholic faith community


Nurturing a holistic approach to wellbeing and growth Inspiring faith formation and life-long learning Fostering critical thinking in a contemporary world


Providing a safe environment where all are included Acting with compassion Seeking opportunities for all to thrive


Modelling the life and teachings of Jesus with love, integrity and humility Advocating for social justice and stewardship of all creation Embracing challenges and encouraging others to do the same

At the heart of everything there is always Jesus Christ.

As a community our vision is closely aligned with the vision for Catholic schools in the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle.